Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Best Job in the World

I was doing my morning checking of email and blogs and all sorts of fun stuff that I do every morning when I came across an article on yahoo titled "The Best Job In The World." Of course I had to read on. You can read it for yourself .

A lot of you don't know me, so you don't know that this would absolutely be the perfect job for me. Of course, aside from being a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator, which I love, and a mom to 3 and a wife. (those are just minor details :). I've had this wish since I was a little girl of travelling to Australia and cage diving with a great white shark. This dream vacation is actually on my bucket list of things I want to do before I die. I actually considered going to school to be a marine biologist, but after reading some of the brochures, realized that there's no way I could do that job, I have severe motion sickness and can't live for months on end on a boat. The condition also hampered my desire to be a flight attendant when I was 20. But with the job in Australia I wouldn't even have to leave the ground, except for the occasional snorkeling expedition. The pay's not too shabby either, $105,00 US. You get free room and board, have to blog about your time there and be on occasional interviews with the media, which would quelch my desire to be a news anchor, or an actress for that matter. This would be the perfect job, consuming ALL the things that I wanted to be when I grew up. But I just sit here, comfortable in my life and realize that I would miss my kids terribly for a year, unless they'd let me bring them!

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